Thursday, July 28, 2011

Annual Surfrider Paddle Race

Outer Banks Stand Up Paddle was pleased to support the annual Surfrider Paddle Race. It was another perfect day on the OBX for a race to support local scholarships. Team OBXSUP fielded six paddlers with Michele (my bride) and niece Sara placing 1st and 2nd in the women's division.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

OBXSUP Lesson Thank You Note

We received a very nice note that captures what we do for families learning to SUP...

Rob and Michele,

I’m a little late in sending my thank you for the SUP lessons for Dave, Jessica and myself back in June. We really enjoyed meeting both of you and thoroughly enjoyed our lesson. I can’t wait to go again and will definitely be renting a board next time we come down.

You are both wonderful at instructing. And taking pictures was an unexpected bonus. Hopefully your summer is going well and you are getting a lot of business.

P.S….Dave’s green SUP shirt is one of the nicest ones he has and he has received many compliments on it.

Thank you again,
